Lowell is the "Road Warrior" of TWNC's IT team. You'll rarely find this talented computer wizard sitting at a desk in the office. He much prefers to be on the move, working on-site with clients to keep their systems running smoothly.
Recognizing that a reliable IT infrastructure is crucial to business success, Lowell takes a pro-active approach to systems management. Drawing on his extensive network experience and exceptional troubleshooting skills, he works quickly and efficiently to resolve issues before they can disrupt business operations. A natural problem-solver, he customizes technical support strategies to help TWNC clients safeguard critical business data and optimize system performance.
Lowell's fascination with computers started early and he was still in high school when he first started providing IT support for local businesses. After graduating from college, he became a network specialist at Linamar Corp., where he provided IT services for a large number of manufacturing facilities. Now, as a key member of the TWNC team, he enjoys interacting with clients and offers a highly personalized level of service. In his spare time, Lowell puts his computer knowledge to creative use by writing and producing electronic music. He is justifiably proud of the fact that one of his songs has recently been released by a professional label.